I mean… who does not need more desk space? Ok, I know, tidy people. I hope to be one when I grow up. But for now, the Kanger™ has become one of my best friends.

The Kanger™ is a keyboard hanger which allows you to store your keyboard on the top back of your monitor to make more desk space. Totally designed out of need, I made this because my desk is just too cluttered and I was constantly looking for somewhere to put my keyboard.

I have not tried it on so many monitors to know it will fit all but I believe it will fit most. The top hook component has a depth of 25mm so as long as the top of your monitor is not more than that it should rest on your monitor well.

While the Kanger™ folds up and can be put away when not needed it really can just stay on your monitor so that it is there when you want to put your keyboard somewhere.

I have listed this as a product on my bukudesign.com site and as such I have an instructional graphic made which I will include here…

This is a one-piece print-in-place design with no support required. I am using a 0.4 nozzle with the line set to 0.45mm. With these settings, the detents and hinges print well. If you find them too loose try matching these settings. And please give me feedback if you have any.

Material: I choose to use PETG for its durability and flexibility.
My Setup:
Nozzle = 0.4mm
My Settings:
Layer height = 0.2mm
Line width = 0.45mm
Wall count = 4 (1.6mm)
Infill = 40%
Support = Designed to print without supports.
Print Orientation: As shown in the screenshot.
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