This was a creation driven by a request from my wife who recognized an opportunity to create a case for silicone nipple covers. And, for those wondering what that is… it is essentially a strapless bra made of silicone – two silicone cups. They are relatively popular and surprisingly there are very few storage solutions out there. So this is where my “BoobyTrap” comes in.

What I learned through this project is that the silicone covers need to be very clean in order to work well, therefore a clean case and the ability to wash and dry them with minimal handling is critical to their function. And, what is better, if you keep them clean they can last almost indefinitely (as opposed to about 10 uses when not kept clean).

So in addition to creating separate storage for each cup, I have created space for airflow and the ability to store the trays separately, in their natural shape, and allowing air to circulate for drying them. Then once dry you can snap the layer together and even use this case for travel.
Commercial Opportunity
I was selling this on Amazon for a while and it sold quite well without any advertising or promotion on my part. I believe there is a substantial market out there for this product.

This product was designed for a 0.4mm nozzle, a 0.2mm layer height and the following settings:
Material: I choose to use PETG for its durability and flexibility.
Wall Line Count = 4 ( 4 x 0.4mm = 1.6mm walls )
Top and Bottom Layer Count = 5 ( 5 x 0.2mm = 1.0mm top and bottom )
Infill = 40%, Cubic
Ironing = OFF (not needed)
Support = No support required
Brim = NO (If you have to use a brim, set it to “outside only”)
Material = PETG recommended (any material should work fine)
Print Orientation: As shown below.

Assembly Notes
No assembly or post-print processing is required.
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